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[6.0.1] Dirty Unicorns 10.6 For Gionee P4/Walton GH2

[6.0.1] Dirty Unicorns 10.6 For Gionee P4/Walton GH2 - We have long been building this blog, we are trying to present a complete and reliable information. ranging from hardware products to software that develops to facilitate your life, but as the gadget's increasingly sophisticated capabilities are increasingly also the menu that you must understand, in the blog Austin Gadget we will review many gadget products from start speck and price, we will discuss first about [6.0.1] Dirty Unicorns 10.6 For Gionee P4/Walton GH2 hopefully information will give will give answer to your question to google, please refer to.

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[6.0.1] Dirty Unicorns 10.6 For Gionee P4/Walton GH2

Dirty Unicorns 10.6  Rom Marshmallow (6.0.1) is now available for Gionee P4/Walton GH2 users to flash and enjoy it awesomeness great Rom with improved battery backup, almost 99% bugless .

Bugs : Only VPN

What's Working Version 10.6 :
 - Update to Android 6.0.1_r68
 - Lots of translations
 - Configurable Themes tile components to apply
 - Switch to HTTPS for our updater 
- Add missing exposures and separate power dialog icons 
- A lot of Gallery2 improvements/fixes 
- Rewrite DU-About a little
 - Fix lockscreen charging current switch
 - Statusbar icons transparency
 - A lot of Gallery2 improvements/fixes
 - A lot of FMRadio improvements/files 
- Refactor SlimSeekBarPreference 
- Expose new hard coded colors for themes in Messaging
 - Add vector image and fix themeing issue in Messaging
 - Fling trails width configuration 
- Update bcm4356 FW 
- Use HTTPS when fetching changelogs 
- DocumentsUI fixes 
- Account for time changes when showing recent activities
 - Increase max screen recording time to 1 hour
 - Allow force landscape mode with screenrecord 
- Bump DU Certified to 2.4.1
 - Misc CMTE fixes that came in with CMSDK refactor 
- Update Fling library from Orange Open Source to 1.2.6 
- Display bluetooth battery status when available 
- Added hardware key disable support with M adaptations 
- OmniSwitch: launcher: change essentials launch intents 
- OmniSwitch: revert recent apps should not change order in quick switcher 
- OmniSwitch: no ripple no fun
 - Make overlay permission check configurable
 - Fix Slim Recents unknown window type error

How to Flash The Dirty Unicorn Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow On Your Gionee P4 

-flash latest TWRP for  Gionee P4/Walton GH2 /2016/09/collection-of-latest-twrp-recovery-for.html" target="_blank">Here

-first of all put the ROM zip in the root of your SD card, (no folder at all)

- boot in the Recovery Mode
Switch ON the phone while pressing and holding Volume Up + Home + Power buttons together

-after which boot your device into TWRP recovery 

-after which navigate to wipe system and perform a full data wipe by selecting >> wipe data/factory reset >> wipe cache>>wipe dalvik

-now go back and navigate to the SD card to select the ROM and click on yes.

-Google Apps: Repeat the above step for the Gapps zip file as well and install it on your phone.

Your Gionee P4 will boot now and it might take about 5 minutes to boot on your first time. So, please wait. Your Gionee should now have Dirty Unicorns 10.6 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow latest build installed on It! Go to Settings & About phone to verify.


Dirty Unbicorns Android M 10.6 Gionee P4
Flash Patch for SD Card

Credits -

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