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Enable LED flash alerts on iPhone for Every Notification

Enable LED flash alerts on iPhone for Every Notification - We have long been building this blog, we are trying to present a complete and reliable information. ranging from hardware products to software that develops to facilitate your life, but as the gadget's increasingly sophisticated capabilities are increasingly also the menu that you must understand, in the blog Austin Gadget we will review many gadget products from start speck and price, we will discuss first about Enable LED flash alerts on iPhone for Every Notification hopefully information will give will give answer to your question to google, please refer to.

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Enable LED flash alerts on iPhone for Every Notification

The Apple has provided LED flash Light in its iOS device. Generally, it’s use for capture Photo in darkness mode to keep away from redeye image or removes darkness at night time. but here we give you a amazing tricks through that you can keep enable LED flash alerts in your iPhone each and every notifications such as, Incoming calls and message etc, with flash alert.
led flash for alerts iphone 6 plus
Have you no idea about that then follows beneath given tips on how to enable LED flash alerts on iPhone every notification. You can do it using Accessibility feature in your iPhone, once turn on LED flash alerts then new coming each and every notifications will alert beeps or buzz with flash alerts. Now you get one thing also if you don’t hear your iPhone beeps Sound then don’t worry, it’s come with flash light now.

How to enable LED flash alerts on iPhone: Get Incoming Calls, SMS with flash alerts

Step: 1

Launch Settings app from your iPhone’s Home screen.

Tap on General..
led flash for alerts iphone 6 plus
Step: 2

In General, Choose Accessibility Option
enable led flash alerts iphone
Step: 3

Scroll down and Turn toggle on LED Flash for Alerts, under the Hearing option.

Note: you can disable LED flash notification light by turn off toggle “LED Flash for Alert” in your iPhone and iPad.

That’s it. We hope, you would like this tips on how to enable LED flash alerts on iPhone when receive every new Notification. Keep in touch with us to know more tips and tricks concern iPhone 6, iPhone 5 and more as well as Mac Problem solution.

Any advice then sure you can write in below comment box.

so many information about Enable LED flash alerts on iPhone for Every Notification

hopefully the information we provide about Enable LED flash alerts on iPhone for Every Notification can be useful for you and the readers of all readers of this blog.

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